Thursday, 5 February 2009

Random thoughts

Writing is the toughest job I have ever come across. If I consider every minute of my routine, I have a hundred jobs to perform on a daily basis. There are times when I feel like pouring out each passing moment on a piece of paper which is far from being possible.Sometimes I can feel my head throbbing, overburdened with random thoughts, trying its level best to channelize its priorities and ultimately, failing to do the same. It is only when I am walking down the street or preoccupied with important commitments of the day, I am struck with a turbulent flow of thoughts worth putting on paper; which is when I am stuffed with frustration with layers of disappointment piling up. After going through a series of emotionally vibrant episodes, I have drawn an inference: I write only when I feel I should and if it is good, it happens only once in a while. It has nothing to do with my emotions, my mood or psychological elation and tribulations. I am in a stage where I could bring out issues never intricately considered or thought of. Yet, I lack the ability to let the flow descend without obstruction. If you consider writing as a learning experience, you may jot down points for framing sentences in accordance with the topic chosen, the body construction and the impression one can make upon the reader by projecting a wacky introduction. In that sense, it is an uphill task to perform, an added responsibility for passionate readers and those who aspire to make it big as writers. The most peculiar aspect of being a part of this race is, you can always back out whenever you want to, but you will always have a mark of your own to remind you of your role as a writer. You will know your importance as one when you choose to opt out of it. Escaping or making giant leaps towards resignation from writing could be an easy option altogether, but one of the most difficult situations to deal with. If you are heavily doped with thoughts and have had experiences with ink and paper, then writing is certainly meant for you. If bad writing makes you feel low, remember one thing: writing is an art of playing with words, juggling them and putting them in the right places. It is synonymous to building a new outlook towards life. In the process, you are always learning something new from your own literary work. It is a skill acquired by few in this world of teeming millions, mastered by a handful. Bad period should never be mistaken for lost talent, it is something that develops and diminishes with passing time…

1 comment:

  1. hey hi!! well i went thru dis blog of urs..well believe me u got da knack of gettin in onto higher level of u said while writin feel dat u r a writer..n u made da reader feel dat u r really an amazing writer
    well flawess man...gud luck...keep it up..god bless...take care cya
